Unsichtbar machen?

Gerade bei Physorg gelesen. Zwei Wissenschaftler der University of Pennsylvania haben ein Paper (arxiv.org) veröffentlich, welches beschreibt, wie man mit Hilfe von "plasmonischen" Bedeckungen das Absinken des Streuwirkungsquerschnitt eines Objektes bewirken könnte, so dass er für den Beobachter unsichtbar erscheint.

The possibility of using plasmonic covers to drastically reduce the total scattering cross section of spherical and cylindrical objects is discussed. While it is intuitively expected that increasing the physical size of an object may lead to an increase in its overall scattering cross section, here we see how a proper design of these lossless metamaterial covers near their plasma resonance may induce a dramatic drop in the scattering cross section, making the object nearly invisible to an observer, a phenomenon with obvious applications for low observability and non invasive probe design. Physical insights into this phenomenon and some numerical results are provided.

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